When it comes to finding a good game to play, one of the first things I examine is the storyline. Does the story tantalize me right from the start, drawing me in from the very first cut scene? Or does it reek of "been here done that" and make me want to send the developers to the corner to think about what they have done for a little bit?
I can usually tell from the first 30 minutes or so of playtime whether a game is going to be good or not, but sometimes, with a very special game, I just know from the get-go that this is going to be something I've never seen before.

Margrave: The Blacksmith's Daughter, is just such an experience. This epic game is seamlessly sewn together with bits of adventure, sorrow, and tragedy all tied together in this wondrously unique story that manages to pluck you from your chair and immediately transport you to the Town of the Cyclops where anything can happen.
If you haven't had a chance to play this game and your heart bleeds for a good story, I heartily recommend you don't miss this one. The game is huge, taking us almost 20 chapters, plus a bonus game that comes with the collector's edition, to fill out the complete Margrave: The Blacksmith's Daughter Walkthrough.
As usual, we've covered every aspect of the game in our walkthrough and have included easy-to-understand information on each and every chapter, walking you through exactly how to beat the entire game. We've got solutions to every puzzle and mini-game as well as detailed screenshots of all the hidden object areas, so you'll never have to worry about getting stuck or frustrated.
We recommend as you play that you keep our Margrave: The Blacksmith's Daughter Walkthrough handy as there are a lot of steps to this game and some of the areas are quite tricky.
Overall, Margrave: The Blacksmith's Daughter is a great game to snuggle with as the days get colder and winter begins to creep up on us. Make yourself a cup of cocoa and settle in to play a thoroughly engaging hidden object adventure game like no other.