In Ominous Objects: Trail of Time, we are treated to a chilling mystery in the town of Glockenverk. Summoned by Heinrich the Clock Maker, who appears to have run out of sand in his clock, you begin your investigation with the help of your furball companion, Mr. Jenkins.

There appears to be some unsettling weather plaguing the town as people are literally frozen solid in their tracks in the middle of summer. You'll also notice several crazed ice beasts roaming the land. And it all appears to be tied to the clock tower and time itself!
With a gorgeous wintery pallete and an adorable kitty cat who needs to be fed before he'll work for you, this new Ominous Objects game is definitely worth a download.

Tons of puzzles and hidden object scenes are included in the gameplay and while nothing was particularlly challenging, they were unique and quite fun to play.
Ominous Objects: Trail of Time was released in a collector's edition, and so includes all the goodies you've come to expect from a CE such as wallpapers, soundtracks, achievements, artwork, kitty puzzles, and an in game strategy guide.

Overall, this new Ominous Objects game was a great addition to the franchise and a fun romp in the snow!