Our Witch Hunters Stolen Beauty Walkthrough is your plan of attack for getting back what's rightfully yours - your good looks and beauty! When the evil witch Madame Flemet steals your very youth from you, there's only one thing to do. Track her down and make her give it back. This guide includes everything you'll need to find the witch and restore your beauty before you become an old lady for good!
Can you imagine the nerve of Madame Flemet? Coming back after all these years and stealing your youthful essence like some crazy Skeksi from the Dark Crystal? At least she didn't strap you to a machine and drain you dry, but you're still aged enough that all the makeup in the world isn't going to cover it, so you better find this evil witch and force her to give it back.

I admit that Witch Hunters Stolen Beauty has an interesting and unique storyline, preying on our vanity to draw us deeper into the outrage the main character surely must be feeling at being forced to go gray at such a young age. Apparently they don't have Nice N Easy in whatever time period the game is supposed to take place in.
The story definitely intrigued me... mostly because it reminded me of one of my favorite movies, Howl's Moving Castle, yes... another Studio Ghibli film. The main character in the movie is young Sophie, who is transformed by the evil Witch of the Wastes into a crotchety old woman and must journey into the wastes to track her down and try to force her to break the curse.
In Witch Hunters Stolen Beauty, Angelica is the young girl who bravely steps between the witch and her grandmother and is sapped of her youth. Now, unless she wants to spend the rest of her years comparing age spots with grandma, she needs to set off to the old boarding school and find that evil old hag.
If you missed our full Witch Hunters Stolen Beauty Review, you'll want to go back and check it out. There's some great screenshots and a more in-depth look at the game.
While Witch Hunters Stolen Beauty wasn't one of my favorite games this year, it certainly was complex enough to warrant a Witch Hunters Stolen Beauty Walkthrough, which we just posted for your enjoyment.
The walkthrough includes detailed and easy-to-understand instructions on everything you need to do to beat the game, from the very first screen to the last. We even have all the hidden object scenes covered and marked for you with tons of screenshots so you'll never have to worry about finding a key object.
Whether you want to use this walkthrough as a constant guide or just as a last resort when you find yourself unable to complete a certain area, you're sure to enjoy our Witch Hunters Stolen Beauty Walkthrough.