The Top Hidden Object Games of 2011
Hey gamers, Anne here with Lucy and Kristi. We've decided to compile a list of the top games of 2011 - in our opinion. Lucy and I have compiled hidden object/adventure games and Kristi has brought you a list of the best time management games. These are games that should not be missed under any circumstances, so if you haven't played one of these yet, get on it!
These are not ranked in any particular order. There is no way we could possibly rank one of these as number one and put another great one at the very bottom. It's just a list of all, nearly equally, great games! Now, on with the list!
Anne's Picks:
[[mystery-case-files-13th-skull_feature.jpg]] | Mystery Case Files: 13th Skull - Big Fish Games hit another one out of the park with this game. I'm a pretty big fan of Mystery Case File games and this was not a disappointment. Like I said in my review, this wasn't "as good" as Dire Grove, but it wasn't far off either. It doesn't follow any characters from other MCF games, so you can play this before or after any of the others. |
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Awakening: Moonfell Wood - The second in the spectacular Awakening series by Boom Zap games. A great storyline combined with beautiful graphics always equals a brilliant hidden object game. If you haven't played this one, you do need to play the first in the series as the storyline follows the first one. |
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Dark Parables: The Exiled Prince - The year 2011 brought us not one, but two Dark Parable games. One of my favorite series in the world of hidden object gaming brought to you by Blue Tea Games. These games are always top notch in every department: graphics, story, etc. and neither disappointed. |
[[the-fool_feature.jpg]] | The Fool - This little gem was a diamond in the rough by MagicIndie Softworks. This game probably got overlooked, but it really should not have. This was a fun little game with fun graphics and a cute storyline. I gave it a hearty two thumbs up in my review and I still stand by that. If you didn't play, what are you waiting for?! |
[[spirits-of-mystery-amber-maiden_feature.jpg]] | Spirits of Mystery: Amber Maiden - Yet another great game brought to you by ERS Studios. I'm not sure I've ever met a hidden object game by them I didn't like. That aside, this game had it all. Graphics, storyline, puzzles, and hidden object scenes. What more can I say, but play it! You won't regret your decision. |
[[dream-chronicles-the-book-of-water_feature.jpg]] | Dream Chronicles: The Book of Water - Another fantastic series from Big Fish Games that I can't get enough of. I did feel DC: The Book of Water wasn't quite as good as its predecessors, but still a great and highly anticipated game of the year. If you haven't played this game, remember you need to play all the other games in the series in order before you play this one. |
[[princess-isabella-return-of-the-curse_feature.jpg]] | Princess Isabella: Return of the Curse - The year 2011 was a great year for hidden object series. We saw two Mystery Case Files, two Dark Parables, a new Awakening, and also the next in the Princess Isabella series. The developers, GOGii, almost always give us a hit game. These are no exception. My only complaint about this game, as I said in my review, was the majority of the puzzles were far too easy and it had a very abrupt ending. Other than those two minor things, this is a really fun series. |
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Nightmare Realm - While the name paints a picture of a dark and foreboding game, it really wasn't all that bad. Lesta Games and Film really hit the nail on the head with this hidden object game. While it's a story we've seen before - entering paintings or drawings in order to save a child - it was the actual game-play that made it perfection. Add that to stunning graphics and you had an award winning hidden object game. |
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Hidden Expedition: The Uncharted Islands - What would a "Top Hidden Object Games of 2011" list be without a Hidden Expedition by Big Fish Games thrown in?! It wouldn't! I adore the HE series, almost as much as I adore... well, all the other series. They always "bring it" with great graphics, stories, challenging puzzles, and leave you wanting more. Was this one any different? Nope! The best part? The journal entries. |
[[awakening-the-goblin-kingdom_feature.jpg]] | Awakening: The Goblin Kingdom - Apparently 2011 was the year of series, and more than one in the series at that. We had two Awakening games last year and I for one loved that. Thank you Boom Zap! |
[[mystery-legends-beauty-and-the-beast_feature.jpg]] | Mystery Legends: Beauty and the Beast - This game by PixelStorm was actually the second in the series, but they don't need to be played in order. As you can see by the list, I have quite a few "favorite" 2011 hidden object games, but this one would have been near the top. I loved everything about this game except one thing. The spiders. I hated the spiders. I made Lucy deal with the spiders. |
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Drawn: Trail of Shadows - A fantastic series by Big Fish Games and so unique from any other series out there. No other game actually allows you to play with pop-up books - and who doesn't love pop-up books at any age? Admit it. You do. This is a series and should be played in order, but since this game was a prequel you could probably play it alone. However, these games are so close to perfection that I recommend you play them all! Note: This is an adventure game and not a hidden object game. |
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Dark Parables: Rise of the Snow Queen - Last, but certainly not least of my picks, is this great game in the Dark Parables series by Blue Tea Games. Two in one year was nearly too much for a little heart to take, but can I just say, thank you with all my heart. |
Lucy's Picks:
[[phantasmat_feature.jpg]] | Phantasmat - Anne may have done the guide, but I provided the extra creepy factor by trying to scare her out of her wits when she played it. I had a lot of fun doing that too. I also played the game from CODEMINION and it was one of my "creepy favorites" of the year. Great graphics, great story, great puzzles. As Tony the Tiger would say "It's... GREAT!" If you like creepy, play this game! |
[[faces_feature.jpg]] | F.A.C.E.S. - This was the first guide I did for the site and I loved it. The creepiness factor was high on my "creepy scale" in this game by Vogat Interactive. Who wouldn't love to have special powers and be stuck in an insane asylum trying to escape?! Not you? Well, my bad, it was right up my alley. |
[[macabre-mysteries-curse-nighten-collectors_feature.jpg]] | Macabre Mysteries: Curse of the Nightingale - I really hope that Blue Tea Games is considering Macabre Mysteries for a series. I had so much fun playing this game I can remember not wanting to stop and actually sleep. The game had very unique puzzles, a great storyline, and a-ma-zing graphics. Oh yes, and 3D ghosts. The ghosts were the best part. |
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Mystery Case Files: Escape from Ravenhearst - Quite possibly the award for creepiest game of the year goes to MCF: Escape from Ravenhearst from Big Fish Games. As you all know, I adore creepy, but sometimes it can even go over the top for me. This game did that a few times, but I know there are a lot of players who will still really enjoy the game. I will reiterate my warning: this is NOT a game for sensitive stomachs! |
Kristi's Picks:
[[roads-of-rome-ii_feature.jpg]] [[roads-of-rome-iii_feature.jpg]] | Roads of Rome II & Roads of Rome III - Roads of Rome from Realore Studios has always been one of my favorite time management series. Roads of Rome 2 has you building roads to appease the Roman gods and Roads of Rome 3 has you putting out fires and rebuilding Rome. They are both challenging games and one of the top series in the time management genre. |
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My Kingdom for the Princess III - The "My Kingdom for the Princess" series from NevoSoft is yet another favorite of mine, of course. You find yourself rebuilding the kingdom as one of the three sons in the third installment of this great game. I will quote what I originally said in my blog, "If it's practically perfect, just give me more!" |
 | Royal Envoy 2 -My last pick (and as Anne said, but certainly not least), is the Royal Envoy series from Playrix Entertainment. The second in what seems to be a promising series is just as much fun as the first. Travel to a faraway land and help them rebuild. There are lots of fun extras for everyone from snowball fights to mystical fairies. And no tax collectors! I promise you won't be disappointed! |