Go gold or go home... that's my motto when it comes to time management games... I know, that's not a healthy perspective to take, but I can't help it... I'm extremely competitive. I have to be careful when I'm playing against other people because I am not a good loser... I'm not really a good winner either...
This is why time management games are perfect for me, since I'm just competing against the clock and not some person that I love and have to explain later that I don't really mean it when I screamed "In your face!" and did a little victory dance in front of them. Trust me... it's not pretty.
But I do find that my obsessive nature gets the better of me if I have to play a level over and over again, so I usually ask Ann to make us a nice video guide when I find a challenging game I want to play.
TV Farm 2 definitely was one of those games that I knew I would need a TV Farm 2 Walkthrough for if I was ever going to get on with my life.

TV Farm 2 is really fun to play, but it's very complicated with all the different fruits and vegetables you can harvest and all the different buildings that produce different items you can sell. I kept forgetting what makes what and how many items I needed and how many workers were required... it was just a big mess overall.
Thankfully Ann has helped clear all that up for us. Her TV Farm 2 Walkthrough includes not only detailed written information for each task that needs to be accomplished, but video solutions of every level so you can SEE exactly how she gets those gold times.
So, anytime you run across a level that you just can't seem to beat, don't stress out, don't start throwing things, just calmly click over to our TV Farm 2 Walkthrough and get the answers you're looking for and show that game you're the boss of gold times... you can even do a victory dance if you want... just make sure no one's looking.