If you are gainfully employed and have even one more mouth to feed than your own, finding time for gaming can be challenging.
Gaming for me is a relaxing pastime, similar to curling up with a good book or popping in a DVD from Redbox. However, unlike those two options, gaming may require a little more "prep" time in terms of downloading.
Here are a few strategies I use to maximize my gaming time.
Choosing Games
Sometimes I invest as much time in choosing games as in playing them. An inveterate researcher, I like to know the game profile and backstory before I click that “Download Now” button.
Of course, it helps to know what you like, both when it comes to game type and game developer. Hidden object adventure games are my preferred type, and I really enjoy Orneon Limited's Secrets of the Dark and the Mystery Case Files series.
When I'm searching for a new game experience, I'll make a list of five or six possibilities. Armed with that shortlist, I'll then check out the published reviews to get a feel for the game play.
Another big consideration for me is whether a walkthrough or integrated strategy guide is available. I may not use it, but I want to know it's there if I need it.
Once I know the game I will choose, I usually set it to download in the morning before work. My home office connects to my bedroom, and I'll click the button as I'm getting dressed or putting on my makeup. That way, I'll know it's ready for me the minute I come home from work, if I want.

I usually try to set aside a specific evening or Sunday afternoon for gaming.
Sometimes it works well if it's the evening my kids have other activities or on a night that I hate everything on the TV. (Come to think of it, that's most nights!)
If my kids are around and the game theme is appropriate, we may all play together. (Actually, gaming with kids is an article in itself!)
Yes, gaming takes a little more prep time than other activities, but the payoff is greater when you select an engaging game with a compelling storyline that makes you forget the stresses of work and allows some impromptu family time.