You may know by now that I am prone to certain anxious tendencies when it comes to games... so, when I saw Gardens Inc. From Rakes to Riches, I knew I wasn't going near that game unless there was a Gardens Inc. From Rakes to Riches Walkthrough live and ready to help.

Even then, I wasn't sure if it was a good idea. You see, life being the stressful thing that it is recently, I was not entirely convinced that I needed to add a stressful time management game to my docket.
However, we did just have family yard day a few days ago. That's when you entice your family members to come over with awesome food and drinks and then hand them a rake and tell them to have at it.
Unfortunately, I was on the receiving end of this old trick, and we all went over to Tracy's house for about 5 hours of hard labor. (Of course the food was indeed excellent and so somewhat worth the effort.)
Of course, not being accustomed to such hard labor, my body aches in places I never knew could ache. So, a much-needed rest was in order. Still, I felt "springy" and wanted to play a game that matched my mood. Gardens Inc. From Rakes to Riches seemed a good way to satisfy this craving without moving too much.
So, with some hesitation I began to play. It seemed easy enough at first, but it wasn't long before I was studying our Gardens Inc. From Rakes to Riches Walkthrough, thankful for the videos of each level so I could see exactly how to beat each chapter.
I'm not sure this game is really my cup of tea, but it did provide me with a sense of satisfaction when I could beat the level on expert (of course, I wouldn't have even come close to that without the walkthrough).
So, whether you're a newbie to time management games like me, or you're a hardcore junkie, (you crazy, crazy people), our Gardens Inc. from Rakes to Riches Walkthrough is here to help!