You know you've eaten way too much when the only thing left in your fridge from Christmas to snack on is the vegetable platter... and yet there it sits in front of me with just a few cherry tomatoes and bits of broccoli left. Crap... I guess this means I'm going to have to start cooking dinner again. That was four blissful days of snacking on leftovers gone with not even a stalk of celery left as evidence.
Oh well... as we draw closer and closer to the New Year, I know that reality will hit me once again. Till then, I'm snuggled up in the security of the holidays still basking in the novelty of my Christmas gifts and enjoying the decorations.
And playing games, of course. Our latest walkthrough post being the very successful and extremely entertaining Brink of Consciousness The Lonely Hearts Murders Walkthrough.

If you enjoy a good murder mystery, there's really no beating Brink of Consciousness The Lonely Hearts Murders. The graphics are drop-dead gorgeous and the gameplay is immersive and entertaining to say the least.
The story itself is definitely unique... a serial killer who preys upon people who have recently broken up with someone? Sign me up! But, the gameplay can get a little tricky, which is why we've created the Brink of Consciousness The Lonely Hearts Murders Walkthrough.
As usual, this walkthrough has everything you're going to need to complete this exciting hidden object game including step-by-step instructions that are super easy to follow.
We've also got tons of screenshots that have all been marked in obnoxiously bright colors to help you see where key items are. And last, but not least, we have solutions to all those frustrating puzzles or games you might find during gameplay.
So enjoy our Brink of Consciousness The Lonely Hearts Murders Walkthrough whenever you need help picking up the scent of this insidious killer.