Well, somehow all three us managed to miss E for All. But once you've seen one dashing blond Link, you've seen them all.

Jasper and Zavy had their own reasons for missing it (something about a trip to catalina?), as for me I was in Big Bear for my geology class. One of the nights we played one of those who-dunnit mystery games. And what do you know, the last installment of Agatha Christie reminds me of just that...
10 people, strangers to each other, are all invited to a lavish estate on an isolated island. Through a recording, their mysterious host accuses each of his `guests` of murder and proceeds to exact `justice.` Tension mounts as, one-by-one, the number of people are reduced through the ingenious plotting of the unseen killer. Prepare yourself for an investigative thriller like never before! New twists-and-turns to the original story, plus a brand new character has been introduced YOU.